Monday, May 28, 2012

Mini Mania!

Minis everywhere!! Old ones, new ones, pimped out ones, crazy painted ones…they are skating around in droves like dirty Chevys in Montana.   I want one!  Someday.  That day is not today.  But when that day comes, this is what it would look like.  Mmmmmm. 
My next fantasy ride. Envision grey rather.
But I digress.  As of May 22nd, we officially reside in our little English bungalow! It is so lovely and wonderful, I wish you could walk barefoot in our thick, luscious oh-so-green backyard.  We got very lucky and got assigned a 3-bedroom place with a fenced yard.  Some people don’t get a fence even if they have dogs, so we are super grateful for that on top of the general amazingness of life right now.  The dogs are the happiest little scheisters you could imagine.  They have been frolicking and prancing and jumping and rolling and drooling and smiling their little faces off.  We’ve been exploring random footpaths that lead to always beautiful places; one ended up at a small river with 4 huge swans paddling around, one of them perched on a massive nest while giving us the stink eye.  The pigeons here are also enormous.  I think they could fight a chicken and possibly prevail.  The poo that they fling from the sky is proportionate, and somewhat frightening. 
It is a truly wonderful life.  Last night I was finally able to empty the two massive suitcases that I have been living out of for the past month and a half. Granted, we only have a few hangers and shelves since our stuff isn’t here yet.  But the suitcases are officially put away, which brings me much joy.  As I write this, we are sitting on our loaner couch in our empty living room with the doors and windows open, the breeze blowing through, the sound of lawns being mowed and my most favorite scent of fresh cut grass wafting through the air.  Something that I have been dreaming of for a very long time now is also happening.  Simplicity.  Since the day I moved to Seattle back in 2005, life has been rather chaotic.  Not the bad kind of chaotic, just the crazy-busy-commuting-going to college-working-interning-trying to have a social life too and not sleeping enough or exercising enough kind of chaotic.  Which I suppose sounds bad as I re-read it, but I loved every single second of it.  I was working my ass off to get what I wanted out of life in many aspects, and reaped great rewards for it.  But I of course always thought of the day when I would be done with school, done having to intern, have more time to paint, sleep, exercise and cook a normal meal, and miracle of miracles, not have to sit in my car for two hours per day to get to work and back.  Well that day has finally arrived.  I not only don’t have a commute, but I can WALK to work.  While surrounded by grass and trees and chirping birds.  And I can get up every morning and go to Crossfit.  And I can walk home from work, cook delicious healthy food while watching our dogs flip for joy in the backyard, and not have any homework.  Which means I can paint. And read for pleasure.  And go to sleep at a decent hour like an old person.  On top of all this, I have a job and working environment that is perfect for me, an absolutely incredible husband, wonderfully supportive friends and family, and we freaking live in ENGLAND.  To add to the simplicity, we have one very low-cost car, no rent, no utility bills and no cell phone bills.  Just internet.  JOY. 
We also went on our first adventure to LONDON this weekend, which is another blog altogether once I get the pictures edited! AND all of our stuff gets here Thursday!!! Wheeeee!!!

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