Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Comings and Goings

So much craziness!! My long lost Peace Corps love Austin came to visit me and brought his magnificent friend Erin (she just got done serving in Benin – yowza!) along for a joyous few days of frolicking around my area of the country and London.  It was fantastical!  We saw the Ansel Adams exhibition in London, went to the National Gallery where I shed a tiny year over seeing my first real Monet in person, went to Greenwich Village and the Greenwich Market where I came upon a fellow Etsian(!!!) and found many delicious handmade items and experienced mucho incredible art!  We also hit up the Borough Market, which exists solely for FOOD, and gorged ourselves on the most incredible toasted cheese sandwich ever and giant slabs of rhubarb cake made by bakery angels.  I will be seeing you again soon, Borough Market, you have many treats that I have yet to sample. 

Foyle’s Bookstore. Ever been there?  5 floors of nerd-gasm. Plus a full on café/coffee shop where you can mosey in with your stack of books and nerd it up with a delicious hot drink until closing time late in the night. 

Indian food.  Scones.  Tea.  The Tube.  Juniper that releases its fragrance when met with warmth. Endless art in my face.  Wearing a scarf that I made. Myself. And feeling awesome about it.  Amazing weekend.  I love you Austin! Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful trip with me :)

Thursday, we are headed to Rome. ROME!  I don’t know if it has really sunk in yet.  I don’t think it has.  I have been fantasizing about staring up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for most of my life, and in two days, I’m going to be doing exactly that.  I don’t know what to even say.  Not to mention that I’m going to be eating some of the most delicious food on the planet for Thanksgiving dinner.  AND drinking the most delicious wine. EPIC.

On the docket after that, we will be spending the Winter Solstice Sunrise at Stonehenge, the place that was built with the Winter Solstice in mind, on the day that the ‘world is supposed to end’… should be very beautiful and interesting.  Then in January we are headed to Budapest, which I am incredibly excited about!  I will do my research this time :)

On the L.A.W.T. front, things are going wonderfully.  The network is growing, the scarves are flowing, I am learning, the ideas are billowing, its happening, slowly but surely - I must remember to be patient!

Such a beautiful life it is :)

With gratitude,


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