Monday, January 5, 2015


This is a follow up to this post.  I know you're busy, so here is a summary:

My business name no longer fits my business, brand, and the direction that I want my work to go. After having my business officially up and running for two years, I have further solidified my artistic desire and intent.  I described this in that post as well:

"Intentions typically flow from a belief system.  Mine is that everything in this universe - you, me, the trees, the animals, the stars, planets, all things vegetable, mineral and otherwise - are all made of the same materials and are therefore bound to each other on a much deeper level than our evolving human brains can comprehend right now.
The point is that people have strayed away from that universal connection over the centuries, and it has led humanity down an incredibly narrow and destructive path.  My hope is to remind people of that connection, of the importance and value of all of the other life on this earth aside from just the human life.  If you are already living that connection, I want to inspire it further.
I've been thinking about this for quite some time, but haven't wanted to move on it until I found the  name that represented it all perfectly, the name that resonated with me, that excited every cell in my being, and that I knew was going to envelope my artistic life and work forward indefinitely."

So... without further adieu...I present to you:
So what does this mean for you, as a reader, shopper or collector?

1.  The biggest change is the work itself and how you view the gallery. In an effort to hone my work and focus, all work is now categorized in four series falling under the umbrella of Bound and the meaning behind it. 

Woodland Bound - The forest, the trees, the leaves, the undergrowth. Le sigh.

Climax Bound - Abstraction comes from within.  When reaching those physical and mental peaks in life, I see color. Moving, sweeping, flowing color.

Sky Bound - The endless, epic universe blows the mind.

Earth Bound - This planet harbors and creates incredible natural formations that beg to be ogled and cherished.

2.  Over the past few weeks I have been transitioning all venues as well. 

The website is still and the updates in accordance with the brand are complete.

The new blog location is

Everything else is in the same place, but has the new name (or just my name) at the top:



3.  My commitment to this direction also means that I will be limiting the custom work I do that doesn't fit within the scope of Bound.  There will always be exceptions of course! But all my new work moving forward will be a piece of the aforementioned collections, or will be the beginning of a new Bound collection.

I am ridiculously excited about this next step forward in my artistic life, and I want nothing more than for you to come along on this journey with me!  

"What I want to do with my art is to give you an opportunity to connect with the earth in new ways on a daily basis, to display and wear your love and appreciation for our natural world.  So when you can't be out frolicking in nature, a little piece of nature can be bringing joy and calm to your day, which then makes you want to be frolicking in nature...and so on. 
I want to help people become aware of their connection to each other and everything around them, to renew that connection, to maintain that connection.  There is incredible beauty in the tiniest details.

The Earth is beautiful. Bathe yourself in it. Feel the Beauty."

Many, many thanks to Lisa Wood for the amazing logo design and listening to me ramble for days on end about this relaunch. I love you so <3

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