What. A. Year.
I began 2012 with the most amazing
bachelorette party for the most amazing woman with a group of also amazing
women. Best party weekend ever, hands down.
We finished up our time in Phoenix with a couple of really great
concerts and a final trip to Sedona and to see James' fabulous
grandparents. Then we began to make our
final preparations for the move to England.
This year I have
seen Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, Cromer, Rome, and London repeatedly. I have seen my beautiful best friend marry
the love of her life, I have missed my friends and family dearly, and I have
made some incredible new friends as well.
I got to visit my wonderful sister-in-law and nephews, see a bit of San
Antonio and gorge myself on delicious Mexican food. I got to reunite with my long lost Peace
Corps companion and meet a new one as well.
I stared at the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and cried, I ate Thanksgiving
Dinner with the love of my life in front of the Pantheon, and we frolicked
through Rome and all its offerings while the city was illuminated with grandeur
and beautiful music.

This year also
brought the official launch of LoveArtWillTravel, my Etsy shop, and the
realization that making art, and bringing others joy through art is the only
way that I will ever be truly happy spending my day. Even the little bit of success I have seen in
the first quarter has been beyond my expectations, and my goals and dreams for
this are only going to keep growing as I pour myself into it in 2013.
Today, we spent the
Winter Solstice sunrise at Stonehenge, and it was a very chill and beautiful
experience. The Druids were in full
regalia and practice, and the scent of weed, incense and cigars laced the very
cold and crisp air. Everyone was so
happy and excited, and the silence that came over the massive crowd as the sun
began to peek over the horizon was a beautiful thing to behold. Everyone was so in tune. I was very grateful to experience that.
I will top off 2012
with a delicious new tattoo, a batch of scarves, a little turkey dinner for
two, and a whole lot of relaxing with my amazing husband.
2013 is looking to
be pretty incredible as well; my Ashley will prance across the pond for a visit
to Amsterdam and Dublin, and my Kristin will be prancing over for Oktoberfest
in Germany. My husband and I have Budapest,
Naples, Copenhagen, Kiel and the Norwegian Fjords already on the schedule, and
who knows where else we'll end up!
Life is
beautiful, and I am so very
grateful. Cheers to you, everyone, and I
wish you an amazing 2013!
With love,
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